Tarot Readings, Healing Circles, Reiki, Personal & Blessing Oils and so much more!
About Me

- Lena Townsend, RMP
- Lena Townsend is a Registered Metaphysical Practitioner (RMP) with the World Metaphysical Association (WMA). Lena also serves as a Membership Coordinator on the WMA Executive Board of Directors. She is a Certified Tarot Master and has been reading Tarot for over ten years. Lena is a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Ordained Minister. You may also find Lena writing as the Topeka Psychic Examiner on Examiner.com or working on various projects relating to her many intrests.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Announcing the Winners of the Peaceful Whispers Give-Away
Congratulations to the winners of the Peaceful Whispers Give-Away. Christy Freeman is the winner of the Free Full Circle Reading and Claire Nichols is the winner of the Free Personal Oil~ Thank you to all of those that participated and please keep checking back here and on the website for future updates, specials, and give-aways. Smiles from Lena
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Awakening your inner-psychic
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This is a photo of a card from the Soul Cards2 deck by Deborah Koff-Chapin |
The first step in awakening the inner-psychic is to “Accept” that anything is possible and that there is a reason for everything. One must believe in them and their abilities or they cannot make them work to their advantage.
The next step is to “Allow” the abilities to work in their own life. They must trust that the abilities can enhance their life and the lives of others and begin using those skills. To acknowledge that they have abilities is not enough; one must allow things to happen, as they will.
Once the psychic begins to use the skills, “Accept”, and “Allow” their gifts into their life, the next step is to “Practice” each skill on a regular basis. The more the skills are used the more fine-tuned they will become. It is in a way like building muscles, if you do not workout each day you will not be as finely defined, as you want to be.
There is one final step to take in making the psychic abilities all that they can be; that is to continue to “Learn” new skills. It is also important to learn new ways to use the skills that already exist within you. There is a lot to learn and experience in all areas of life, it is a constant journey and along the way, new technologies and advances come from those that continue to dream and to learn.
With these steps, a new world of possibility is opened to the individual. These are simple, easy to remember steps that most of us hear from a very young age, it is merely a matter of choosing to use these steps in your life to make it better, in all areas.
law of attraction,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Embracing The Magick Within
The alarm goes off, you jump out of bed and begin the day. As the morning begins to unfold before your eyes what do you see? Is it the mounds of errands that are planned for the day? Is it that annoying person that you work with that you cannot seem to hide from no matter how hard you try?
Now is the time to take a moment out and look to the Magick that lives within. It isn’t time to panic or be angry about all that you have to do, it isn’t time to stress that everything may go wrong today. Now is the time to see the light that is clouded by the darkness of anxiety and fear.
It is amazing the difference taking a few moments first thing in the morning can do for increasing the positives in ones day. For example, when your feet first touch the floor say thank you to Spirit for the blessings in your life. One for each foot. Then as you comb your hair, look into the mirror and talk about how smoothly things are going to go today.
If you work outside of the home, smile at each person you pass, count in your mind how many smiles you receive in return and believe that each of those smiles is out of friendship. Tell yourself how blessed you are to have so many friends.
Okay, I admit that we all have days that things do not turn out as we would like them to, but I can also tell you from personal experience that for each positive you send out, you shall surely get three in return. When the good outweighs the bad you are working from your inner-spirit, from the light inside of you, from the Magick within.
As you share the magick that lives within you, it grows bringing more light into your life; Activities become less strenuous, food tastes better, and the world seems to be more at peace. As you begin to embrace this magickal energy inside of you, your life will begin to mirror the image of your soul. The lighter the spirit the lighter the world around you becomes.
We have all heard of the Law of Attraction, we have all seen the ads that say, “Anything is possible“ from one that is loaded with money, but the fact is, the Law of Attraction works with the magick that lives within us, the faith that we can do all we want to do, and the willingness to step out of our shell and allow Spirit/ The Universe to bring it to us.
Each person is born with the ability to sense things of importance in their life, for example an infants instinct to cry out in hunger. The psychic that resides in all of us has given us the sense to feel what is good or bad for us, to know danger lurks around the corner so to avoid that path, or to sense the hurt of a child when they are away from home. Some of us have experienced that feeling that we have lived a certain moment before, or the knowing that someone was going to visit or call; all of these things are examples of some psychic ability.
Psychic abilities, the Law of Attraction, and Spiritual Faith can all work together to enhance our lives if we will only allow them too. The first step is to acknowledge them, to show faith in the idea that anything is possible. The next step is allowing them to work in your life; taking action and steps to get what we want out of life. Then we must allow all of these positive energies to flow through us.
There is a down side to everything but why dwell on it, what does it give you? If you prefer to live a life of happiness you can not allow sadness to rule you. For those that are miserable and choose to stay that way the down side here is that happiness can creep in. The down side for those that wish to live a happier and healthier life, you may find that negative friends begin to disappear from around you.
Those negative people that choose to remain negative will not want to be around someone that is happy, busy, and living because you are no longer focusing on their depression and negativity. You are no longer feeling pity for them so they must find someone else to join in their misery. This doesn’t sound like too bad of an outcome for you, but it is definitely a loss for them. Hopefully one day, those friends, will follow the example you have set and find their own inner-light. Hopefully those friends will eventually embrace the magick within just as you have done.
Now is the time to take a moment out and look to the Magick that lives within. It isn’t time to panic or be angry about all that you have to do, it isn’t time to stress that everything may go wrong today. Now is the time to see the light that is clouded by the darkness of anxiety and fear.
It is amazing the difference taking a few moments first thing in the morning can do for increasing the positives in ones day. For example, when your feet first touch the floor say thank you to Spirit for the blessings in your life. One for each foot. Then as you comb your hair, look into the mirror and talk about how smoothly things are going to go today.
If you work outside of the home, smile at each person you pass, count in your mind how many smiles you receive in return and believe that each of those smiles is out of friendship. Tell yourself how blessed you are to have so many friends.
Okay, I admit that we all have days that things do not turn out as we would like them to, but I can also tell you from personal experience that for each positive you send out, you shall surely get three in return. When the good outweighs the bad you are working from your inner-spirit, from the light inside of you, from the Magick within.
As you share the magick that lives within you, it grows bringing more light into your life; Activities become less strenuous, food tastes better, and the world seems to be more at peace. As you begin to embrace this magickal energy inside of you, your life will begin to mirror the image of your soul. The lighter the spirit the lighter the world around you becomes.
We have all heard of the Law of Attraction, we have all seen the ads that say, “Anything is possible“ from one that is loaded with money, but the fact is, the Law of Attraction works with the magick that lives within us, the faith that we can do all we want to do, and the willingness to step out of our shell and allow Spirit/ The Universe to bring it to us.
Each person is born with the ability to sense things of importance in their life, for example an infants instinct to cry out in hunger. The psychic that resides in all of us has given us the sense to feel what is good or bad for us, to know danger lurks around the corner so to avoid that path, or to sense the hurt of a child when they are away from home. Some of us have experienced that feeling that we have lived a certain moment before, or the knowing that someone was going to visit or call; all of these things are examples of some psychic ability.
Psychic abilities, the Law of Attraction, and Spiritual Faith can all work together to enhance our lives if we will only allow them too. The first step is to acknowledge them, to show faith in the idea that anything is possible. The next step is allowing them to work in your life; taking action and steps to get what we want out of life. Then we must allow all of these positive energies to flow through us.
There is a down side to everything but why dwell on it, what does it give you? If you prefer to live a life of happiness you can not allow sadness to rule you. For those that are miserable and choose to stay that way the down side here is that happiness can creep in. The down side for those that wish to live a happier and healthier life, you may find that negative friends begin to disappear from around you.
Those negative people that choose to remain negative will not want to be around someone that is happy, busy, and living because you are no longer focusing on their depression and negativity. You are no longer feeling pity for them so they must find someone else to join in their misery. This doesn’t sound like too bad of an outcome for you, but it is definitely a loss for them. Hopefully one day, those friends, will follow the example you have set and find their own inner-light. Hopefully those friends will eventually embrace the magick within just as you have done.
law of attraction,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Think about it...
Yesterday as the world turned in its usual way I found a great many things surrounded me that made me feel out of whack. Somehow those things really seemed to get to me. I allowed them in and from that moment that I allowed them in those negatives began to take over. My entire day was filled with the feeling of inadequacy. I felt as though nothing I did was good enough.
Then something happened, I realized what I was allowing in my life. I had allowed the feelings and thoughts of others to invade me. I took their negatives and made them my own. Oh sure, I had plenty going on that would stress anyone out but this time I allowed myself to feel depressed over those things.
Once I was feeling low, the next negative was able to creep in. This drama and that drama, most having nothing to do with me at all, seemed to pile onto my shoulders. I began working toward fixing the negatives instead of focusing on the positives.
Once I realized that things were beginning to spin out of control, I paused and found the beauty of life and nature that was visible to me at that moment. Suddenly things seemed clearer, brighter, and more peaceful. As I continued to focus on those positives I found myself appreciating the little things and that made my life seem fuller.
I am writing this as a reminder to all that we are all human. We will all have moments that feel as though life is more than we can bear, but there is hope. We have to find within ourselves the positives that bring us happiness. We need to put aside the worries and sadness in order to see the beauty of things around us and fully appreciate it. When we can do that we can move forward into the light of happiness.
Great memories of things that brought us through sadness or times we were truly happy can help us get through the rough patches along the path of life. We can focus on the magick of love that we shared with another, or the passion we found in ourselves as we jumped into doing a favorite hobby or project. Any number of the special memories that live within us can guide us to happiness again.
It is a fact that when we can find the positives in a little thing we can accomplish anything.
Think about it... if you pass someone on the street and they give you a dirty look your first reaction is a negative one, but maybe they were having a bad day and in no way intended to direct it to you. They did however just put you into the negative, though they were not trying to.
On the other hand if someone passes you on the street and you are having a bad day but they give you a smile or say something friendly it tends to turn your bad day into a good day, and you are compelled to send a smile right back to them in a cheery offering of silent understanding.
Now is the moment to reach out of the darkness that may have been clouding your view, your moment, and your life...share a smile, a happy moment, or positive word with another and feel how good making someone else can feel. Brighten your day by brightening the day of someone else. See life as a positive, not a burden.
Allow the positives of the life to fill you up and overflow from you to others...this alone will bring you great joy and it will set the standard for the world, the universe, and Spirit to send you even more positives. Be thankful for the little things and allow that thankfulness, that gratitude to fill your heart with happiness.
Think about what you do and say and how it will affect others around you. Say something positive and say it with a smile. It is a guarantee that the universe will act in kind and the happiness that you share with others will be returned to you. Don't forget to be thankful for each positive moment for that too shall reward you.
Many blessings to you as you begin your journey today. Each day is the first day of the rest of your life and each step on your path is the next step along your wonderful, magickal, and happy journey!
Many smiles from Lena
Then something happened, I realized what I was allowing in my life. I had allowed the feelings and thoughts of others to invade me. I took their negatives and made them my own. Oh sure, I had plenty going on that would stress anyone out but this time I allowed myself to feel depressed over those things.
Once I was feeling low, the next negative was able to creep in. This drama and that drama, most having nothing to do with me at all, seemed to pile onto my shoulders. I began working toward fixing the negatives instead of focusing on the positives.
Once I realized that things were beginning to spin out of control, I paused and found the beauty of life and nature that was visible to me at that moment. Suddenly things seemed clearer, brighter, and more peaceful. As I continued to focus on those positives I found myself appreciating the little things and that made my life seem fuller.
I am writing this as a reminder to all that we are all human. We will all have moments that feel as though life is more than we can bear, but there is hope. We have to find within ourselves the positives that bring us happiness. We need to put aside the worries and sadness in order to see the beauty of things around us and fully appreciate it. When we can do that we can move forward into the light of happiness.
Great memories of things that brought us through sadness or times we were truly happy can help us get through the rough patches along the path of life. We can focus on the magick of love that we shared with another, or the passion we found in ourselves as we jumped into doing a favorite hobby or project. Any number of the special memories that live within us can guide us to happiness again.
It is a fact that when we can find the positives in a little thing we can accomplish anything.
Think about it... if you pass someone on the street and they give you a dirty look your first reaction is a negative one, but maybe they were having a bad day and in no way intended to direct it to you. They did however just put you into the negative, though they were not trying to.
On the other hand if someone passes you on the street and you are having a bad day but they give you a smile or say something friendly it tends to turn your bad day into a good day, and you are compelled to send a smile right back to them in a cheery offering of silent understanding.
Now is the moment to reach out of the darkness that may have been clouding your view, your moment, and your life...share a smile, a happy moment, or positive word with another and feel how good making someone else can feel. Brighten your day by brightening the day of someone else. See life as a positive, not a burden.
Allow the positives of the life to fill you up and overflow from you to others...this alone will bring you great joy and it will set the standard for the world, the universe, and Spirit to send you even more positives. Be thankful for the little things and allow that thankfulness, that gratitude to fill your heart with happiness.
Think about what you do and say and how it will affect others around you. Say something positive and say it with a smile. It is a guarantee that the universe will act in kind and the happiness that you share with others will be returned to you. Don't forget to be thankful for each positive moment for that too shall reward you.
Many blessings to you as you begin your journey today. Each day is the first day of the rest of your life and each step on your path is the next step along your wonderful, magickal, and happy journey!
Many smiles from Lena
law of attraction,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Chilean miners being rescued is a miracle beyond measure
Headlines all over the television and the internet are talking about the miraculous rescue of 33 Chilean miners; Topeka and Lawrence are no exception. People all around the world are watching as the miners that have been trapped under ground in Chile are rescued one by one.
After being trapped a mile beneath the surface for ten long weeks the first of the 33 trapped miners made their way to freedom as the world watched on television and the internet. At last count eleven had surfaced and efforts continue to bring the rest to safety.
Their inspiring story is being broadcast through the feeds on the internet and Facebook is filled with status messages about the faith, hope, love and prayers that helped carry these miners through the long frightening days.
They pulled together as a team and shared their resources while the world above them prayed for their safe return to their families and friends. Even when it seemed hopeless the workers and miners never gave up. The miners continued to work together to keep one another alive and calm.
Now they are being rescued as the world is witness to the miracle that all things are possible in faith. Their story is one to make the rest of us stop and think about what is really important and remember that so much more gets done when we stick together.
Prayers of thanks go out to Spirit from around the globe and to the workers that spent numerous hours working to bring these men back to the surface.
May each of us be thankful for all that we have, all that we are given, and all that will be as we rejoice in this miracle. May each life be filled with peace, light, love, and ever continuing faith as we journey forward into the future.
After being trapped a mile beneath the surface for ten long weeks the first of the 33 trapped miners made their way to freedom as the world watched on television and the internet. At last count eleven had surfaced and efforts continue to bring the rest to safety.
Their inspiring story is being broadcast through the feeds on the internet and Facebook is filled with status messages about the faith, hope, love and prayers that helped carry these miners through the long frightening days.
They pulled together as a team and shared their resources while the world above them prayed for their safe return to their families and friends. Even when it seemed hopeless the workers and miners never gave up. The miners continued to work together to keep one another alive and calm.
Now they are being rescued as the world is witness to the miracle that all things are possible in faith. Their story is one to make the rest of us stop and think about what is really important and remember that so much more gets done when we stick together.
Prayers of thanks go out to Spirit from around the globe and to the workers that spent numerous hours working to bring these men back to the surface.
May each of us be thankful for all that we have, all that we are given, and all that will be as we rejoice in this miracle. May each life be filled with peace, light, love, and ever continuing faith as we journey forward into the future.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Paradigm Project Radio highlights local area psychics - Topeka Psychic | Examiner.com
special notice,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mastering the Tarot with local area writer and certified Tarot Master Instructor, Dawn Rothwell Grey
Mastering the art of Tarot can be a long and difficult process if attempting to do it on your own. Dawn Rothwell Grey, Certified Tarot Master Instructor, offers a complete course to help you work your way through from Tarot reader to Master Level Tarot Reader and to do it in an easy manner.
“Mastering the Tarot: A Complete Home Study Course” is intended to take the student through each step of mastering the Tarot in a way that will allow the student to fully develop their skills and understanding in their own way and at their own pace.
Upon completion of the manual you will be a Tarot Master and able to obtain a certificate from Dawn stating that you have completed this Master level course.
Dawn is highly accredited as are her courses. Her training and personal experiences have guided her in providing this course and many others to the public. Best of all, she makes them affordable to all that have the calling to pursue a spiritual path.
Throughout the course Dawn takes the student through each card and the basics as well as the in depth description based on numerology, astrology, and the history of the Tarot. She explains in detail the way to build your very own tarot journal and how to put each reading in story form so it is easily understood by the client.
The course focuses on the symbolic meanings of the cards and how they relate to the daily lives of the clients. She also covers the ideas, thoughts, and spreads as she leads the student through the manual with exercises to help develop those skills from one level to the next.
She even includes the story of the Major Arcana or the “Journey of the Fool” and how to write your own story based on your own experiences. She will guide you through finding keywords and phrases to help you learn and develop into the most skillful reader you can be.
Dawn discusses in detail how to approach a reading with a set code of ethics and standard practices to avoid possible lawsuits. Students learn to increase their credibility with writing articles, spreads, books, and instruction manuals of their own all while developing their own techniques.
Everything within the pages of this well written and detailed manual will prove to be useful to both beginning and advanced Tarot Readers. It is recommended that each student study “Insight Tarot” also by Dawn, as this book is equivalent to the prequel of “Mastering the Tarot: A Complete Home Study Course.”
Dawn includes contact information in the event that the student needs extra assistance or has questions regarding the course in each copy of the manual.
For more information on this and other courses designed and instructed by Dawn Rothwell Grey visit the Reiki Rays Institute website.
Related Sites:
Aruna Center for Spiritual Transformation
World Metaphysical Association
Reiki Rays Institute Facebook fan page
Aruna Center for Spiritual Transformation Facebook fan page
“Mastering the Tarot: A Complete Home Study Course” is intended to take the student through each step of mastering the Tarot in a way that will allow the student to fully develop their skills and understanding in their own way and at their own pace.
Upon completion of the manual you will be a Tarot Master and able to obtain a certificate from Dawn stating that you have completed this Master level course.
Dawn is highly accredited as are her courses. Her training and personal experiences have guided her in providing this course and many others to the public. Best of all, she makes them affordable to all that have the calling to pursue a spiritual path.
Throughout the course Dawn takes the student through each card and the basics as well as the in depth description based on numerology, astrology, and the history of the Tarot. She explains in detail the way to build your very own tarot journal and how to put each reading in story form so it is easily understood by the client.
The course focuses on the symbolic meanings of the cards and how they relate to the daily lives of the clients. She also covers the ideas, thoughts, and spreads as she leads the student through the manual with exercises to help develop those skills from one level to the next.
She even includes the story of the Major Arcana or the “Journey of the Fool” and how to write your own story based on your own experiences. She will guide you through finding keywords and phrases to help you learn and develop into the most skillful reader you can be.
Dawn discusses in detail how to approach a reading with a set code of ethics and standard practices to avoid possible lawsuits. Students learn to increase their credibility with writing articles, spreads, books, and instruction manuals of their own all while developing their own techniques.
Everything within the pages of this well written and detailed manual will prove to be useful to both beginning and advanced Tarot Readers. It is recommended that each student study “Insight Tarot” also by Dawn, as this book is equivalent to the prequel of “Mastering the Tarot: A Complete Home Study Course.”
Dawn includes contact information in the event that the student needs extra assistance or has questions regarding the course in each copy of the manual.
For more information on this and other courses designed and instructed by Dawn Rothwell Grey visit the Reiki Rays Institute website.
Related Sites:
Aruna Center for Spiritual Transformation
World Metaphysical Association
Reiki Rays Institute Facebook fan page
Aruna Center for Spiritual Transformation Facebook fan page
Saturday, September 18, 2010
As the time of the full moon approaches let's celebrate all its phases
With the full moon on the 23rd of September you may notice a lot of strange occurrences taking place. Understanding the moon in all its phases may shed some light on the reasons for some of the odd behavior as well as enhance your way of living.
Since ancient times our ancestors have used the moons cycles to determine when the best time is to do certain rituals that pertain to celebrating Spirit, planting and harvesting, and ridding oneself of negativity.
It is a well known fact that the moon phases affect things such as women’s menstrual cycles, the moods of the mentally unstable, and the behaviors of children. Many nurses feel that the moon will affect the number of births or deaths among their patients. They also talk about the restlessness that many elderly patients feel during the new moon and the way they act out with strange behaviors during the full moon.
In pagan beliefs, such as Wicca, it is of vital importance to follow the phases of the moon to ensure that the rituals performed are at the time of highest power to manifest their intent. For example, the full moon is the perfect time to focus on fertility as the moon is associated with feminine or Goddess energy.
Our calendar is based on the moon cycles as are the season changes. It is not only pagans and those of pagan beliefs that follow the patterns of the moon to focus their intent, in fact many religious groups have holidays and celebrations that begin on certain changes of the moon.
Each month the moon goes through different phases in order to complete a cycle. Each cycle is approximately 29.5 days long from new moon to full moon. Beginning with the new moon the phase which starts the waxing cycle.
The night before the new moon is the first night of the new moon phase. It is at this time that it is best to begin rituals that will bring about new beginnings especially in things that may take time to manifest. The second night of the phase is the night of the new moon and this is the night to continue work toward those things that you wish to bring about. The third night is the night to see to it that all is in order within the rite or spell.
As the moon goes on through the waxing cycle it continues to grow in size on its journey to the full moon. This is a time to perform rituals having to do with protection, healing, wealth, and blessings of new ideas and goals. It is said by some that this is the time to cut your hair as it helps it to grow faster, thicker, and more healthy.
When the moon reaches the full moon phase it will appear to us as a circle in the night sky. This is when the full half of the moon that is illuminated by the sun is fully visible to us. It is during this time that the moon is ending its cycle.
The full moon is believed to be a night of tremendous power and just as it is with the new moon starting those spells, rituals, and celebrations on the night before the full moon is the best way to achieve the highest energy toward the goal. The night of the full moon is an excellent time for raising power, fertility magic, divination, and rituals to raise spiritual and psychic awareness.
The time of between the full moon and the dark of the moon is known as waning and this is the time to focus on letting go or banishing negativity. It is the time to work on clearing out the old in order to make room for the new. This is also an excellent time to focus on healing and inner vision; to look within at your own spirit and find what it is you need to work on next.
The dark of the moon is the time when the moon is not visible to us at all, this is a time that it is good to rest up and allow your own energy to rebuild and to make sure that you have your intentions for the next phase clearly set. It may be an excellent time to make a journal so that when the new moon arrives you can focus your full energy on those things that you truly wish to change or bring about in your life.
What ever the phase of the moon the energy is extremely high and if a spell or ritual is performed at the right time, during the right phase, with all its important additives, it is more likely to work correctly and have a lasting affect.
There are many rituals one can do to celebrate the moon and though some can be extremely elaborate most are fairly simple and can be performed alone when necessary. One does not have to be pagan or of any specific religion to enjoy the pure beauty and raw energy of the moon, one merely needs to appreciate the natural cycles of life and the natural flow of energy.
For more information on the phases of the moon as well as eclipse types visit the NASA Eclipse website. There are many great books on the moon as well as magic and rituals for the moon at local area bookstores and online.
Topeka area bookstores:
Some Related Websites:
Since ancient times our ancestors have used the moons cycles to determine when the best time is to do certain rituals that pertain to celebrating Spirit, planting and harvesting, and ridding oneself of negativity.
It is a well known fact that the moon phases affect things such as women’s menstrual cycles, the moods of the mentally unstable, and the behaviors of children. Many nurses feel that the moon will affect the number of births or deaths among their patients. They also talk about the restlessness that many elderly patients feel during the new moon and the way they act out with strange behaviors during the full moon.
In pagan beliefs, such as Wicca, it is of vital importance to follow the phases of the moon to ensure that the rituals performed are at the time of highest power to manifest their intent. For example, the full moon is the perfect time to focus on fertility as the moon is associated with feminine or Goddess energy.
Our calendar is based on the moon cycles as are the season changes. It is not only pagans and those of pagan beliefs that follow the patterns of the moon to focus their intent, in fact many religious groups have holidays and celebrations that begin on certain changes of the moon.
Each month the moon goes through different phases in order to complete a cycle. Each cycle is approximately 29.5 days long from new moon to full moon. Beginning with the new moon the phase which starts the waxing cycle.
The night before the new moon is the first night of the new moon phase. It is at this time that it is best to begin rituals that will bring about new beginnings especially in things that may take time to manifest. The second night of the phase is the night of the new moon and this is the night to continue work toward those things that you wish to bring about. The third night is the night to see to it that all is in order within the rite or spell.
As the moon goes on through the waxing cycle it continues to grow in size on its journey to the full moon. This is a time to perform rituals having to do with protection, healing, wealth, and blessings of new ideas and goals. It is said by some that this is the time to cut your hair as it helps it to grow faster, thicker, and more healthy.
When the moon reaches the full moon phase it will appear to us as a circle in the night sky. This is when the full half of the moon that is illuminated by the sun is fully visible to us. It is during this time that the moon is ending its cycle.
The full moon is believed to be a night of tremendous power and just as it is with the new moon starting those spells, rituals, and celebrations on the night before the full moon is the best way to achieve the highest energy toward the goal. The night of the full moon is an excellent time for raising power, fertility magic, divination, and rituals to raise spiritual and psychic awareness.
The time of between the full moon and the dark of the moon is known as waning and this is the time to focus on letting go or banishing negativity. It is the time to work on clearing out the old in order to make room for the new. This is also an excellent time to focus on healing and inner vision; to look within at your own spirit and find what it is you need to work on next.
The dark of the moon is the time when the moon is not visible to us at all, this is a time that it is good to rest up and allow your own energy to rebuild and to make sure that you have your intentions for the next phase clearly set. It may be an excellent time to make a journal so that when the new moon arrives you can focus your full energy on those things that you truly wish to change or bring about in your life.
What ever the phase of the moon the energy is extremely high and if a spell or ritual is performed at the right time, during the right phase, with all its important additives, it is more likely to work correctly and have a lasting affect.
There are many rituals one can do to celebrate the moon and though some can be extremely elaborate most are fairly simple and can be performed alone when necessary. One does not have to be pagan or of any specific religion to enjoy the pure beauty and raw energy of the moon, one merely needs to appreciate the natural cycles of life and the natural flow of energy.
For more information on the phases of the moon as well as eclipse types visit the NASA Eclipse website. There are many great books on the moon as well as magic and rituals for the moon at local area bookstores and online.
Topeka area bookstores:
- Barnes and Noble: 6130 SW 17th Street Suite 101 Topeka, KS (785) 273-9600
- Hastings Books: 5317SW 22nd Place Topeka, KS (785)271-8808
- Borders 700 New Hampshire Street Lawrence, KS (785) 331-3226
- Hastings Books 1900 W. 23rd Street Lawrence, KS (785) 832-0719
- Half Price Books 1519 W. 23rd Street Lawrence, KS (785) 856-4253
Some Related Websites:
Astrology/ Astronomy,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dream Talk
Many will experience at least one thought in their life that proves to be more than just a passing thought. It may be that this thought will come in the form of a dream or vision that tells them of something they do not yet realize is a picture or image of what is to come.
Some dreams are exactly that, a dream, others are much more. They may carry with them hidden messages through symbolism or hidden meanings within the actions of the dream. They may actually reflect what will be done in a situation or what will occur due to a certain situation.
An example of the difference between a bizarre dream and a predictive dream would be something in the dream makes it so real that you can not forget it. It leaves you sad or happy and you wake in tears or laughing aloud. This is not the way we are jolted awake by a nightmare, this is as if we are awake the whole time we are dreaming.
The steps that play out in the dream are so vivid it is as if we are actually taking them. We wake feeling the side of our face being cold as if the wind that blew in the dream had really been blowing directly on our face.
For example, I had a dream that told me that a friend of mine was going to be in an accident due to his heavy drinking. In the dream I could see him lying in the grass on the side of a gravel road where he had crashed, and demolished, a motorcycle. It was so vivid that I could smell the dirt and dust in the air and feel the heat from the pipes on the motorcycle. I could smell the liquor on his breath and knew that he was in serious danger.
When I woke from the dream I felt that I must get in contact with him but I was unsure of how to do that. I hadn’t seem him for many years. After a few months had passed I found that the man in my dream had been in a horrific motorcycle accident around the same time that I had the dream. He was lucky to be alive. Someone had come along and found him lying in the grass on a gravel road.
Because I had not found him or gotten in touch with him and I was unsure of what night I had the dream I couldn’t say for sure that it was before it happened, it may have been that at the moment he had the accident somehow he thought of me and I felt it. The point is, it was very intense, and extremely real.
How do we distinguish between what is reality and what is fantasy in a dream? I feel that we can tell the difference by the feel of the dream, even if the images are quite strange or seem to be very imaginative. For example, animals talking in our dreams. It isn’t logical, in reality, that we may hear them as if they are speaking in our language, yet if they appear to be speaking to us maybe the message is something of reality.
I do not know that dreams can tell us everything we need to know but I do know that they can tell us much of what we need to know. When they speak to us of something that somehow relates to what is happening in our day to day life it is probably a message we should pay close attention to.
Some dreams are exactly that, a dream, others are much more. They may carry with them hidden messages through symbolism or hidden meanings within the actions of the dream. They may actually reflect what will be done in a situation or what will occur due to a certain situation.
An example of the difference between a bizarre dream and a predictive dream would be something in the dream makes it so real that you can not forget it. It leaves you sad or happy and you wake in tears or laughing aloud. This is not the way we are jolted awake by a nightmare, this is as if we are awake the whole time we are dreaming.
The steps that play out in the dream are so vivid it is as if we are actually taking them. We wake feeling the side of our face being cold as if the wind that blew in the dream had really been blowing directly on our face.
For example, I had a dream that told me that a friend of mine was going to be in an accident due to his heavy drinking. In the dream I could see him lying in the grass on the side of a gravel road where he had crashed, and demolished, a motorcycle. It was so vivid that I could smell the dirt and dust in the air and feel the heat from the pipes on the motorcycle. I could smell the liquor on his breath and knew that he was in serious danger.
When I woke from the dream I felt that I must get in contact with him but I was unsure of how to do that. I hadn’t seem him for many years. After a few months had passed I found that the man in my dream had been in a horrific motorcycle accident around the same time that I had the dream. He was lucky to be alive. Someone had come along and found him lying in the grass on a gravel road.
Because I had not found him or gotten in touch with him and I was unsure of what night I had the dream I couldn’t say for sure that it was before it happened, it may have been that at the moment he had the accident somehow he thought of me and I felt it. The point is, it was very intense, and extremely real.
How do we distinguish between what is reality and what is fantasy in a dream? I feel that we can tell the difference by the feel of the dream, even if the images are quite strange or seem to be very imaginative. For example, animals talking in our dreams. It isn’t logical, in reality, that we may hear them as if they are speaking in our language, yet if they appear to be speaking to us maybe the message is something of reality.
I do not know that dreams can tell us everything we need to know but I do know that they can tell us much of what we need to know. When they speak to us of something that somehow relates to what is happening in our day to day life it is probably a message we should pay close attention to.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Forgive Yourself - Tips for Being Your True Self- Beliefnet.com
I really enjoyed reading this and thought I would share.
Forgive Yourself - Tips for Being Your True Self- Beliefnet.com
Forgive Yourself - Tips for Being Your True Self- Beliefnet.com
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Finding the Perfect Tarot Deck
There are so many different Tarot decks on the market these days? How does one decide which deck is the right deck?
It is not wrong to have more than one deck on hand but it would be silly to have a deck that does not fit your needs or skill level. An example of this would be, an inexperienced reader trying to read with a blank deck. Yes, it is possible to read with a deck that has no pictures but it would not be practical for someone that has no knowledge of the Tarot to consider starting with this type of deck. The best deck to start with would be one that offers numerous symbols and pictures in order to illustrate the full meaning of the card.
This being said, the first step to consider would be your skill level. The next step would be to figure out the purpose, or what the cards will be used for. You may want a deck that works wonders for meditation, nearly any deck can be used for that but one that is associated with Spirit guides or Animal Totems may be best for this. For regular readings it is usually best to stick to a deck of 78 cards broke down into the groups of Major and Minor Arcana.
The next step in picking out the perfect deck, and one of the most important, is to consider the way the deck feels to you. If at all possible hold the deck in your hand. Even if you plan to get the deck online, try to picture yourself holding the deck, visualize it in your hand. Feel the energy of the deck, does it feel good to you, are you drawn to it by more than just the design that is on it? Allow yourself a moment to reflect again on your purpose, does it truly fit your need?
Many people share the common thought that it is best to have your deck given to you as a gift. If this is your belief then try this in order to get the perfect deck... When someone asks, "What do you want for your birthday?" Tell them that you want a deck of Tarot cards. Go with them to pick out the deck, actually touch it and feel it, then let them buy it, and remember to be thankful not only for the gift but for the wonderful friend that got it for you.
Another way to get the deck given to you as a gift without a birthday or holiday is to find a friend that is interested in having their own deck. You can make it an afternoon out, lunch, a movie, some shopping, and then of course...off to the bookstore or metaphysical shop to get the deck. You by your friends deck and they buy yours then you give them to one another in celebration of your friendship and spiritual connection. This way of doing things not only adds extra positive energy to the deck but it also gives one a chance to enjoy and celebrate true and lasting friendship.
Some Local Stores That Offer Tarot Decks:
It is not wrong to have more than one deck on hand but it would be silly to have a deck that does not fit your needs or skill level. An example of this would be, an inexperienced reader trying to read with a blank deck. Yes, it is possible to read with a deck that has no pictures but it would not be practical for someone that has no knowledge of the Tarot to consider starting with this type of deck. The best deck to start with would be one that offers numerous symbols and pictures in order to illustrate the full meaning of the card.
This being said, the first step to consider would be your skill level. The next step would be to figure out the purpose, or what the cards will be used for. You may want a deck that works wonders for meditation, nearly any deck can be used for that but one that is associated with Spirit guides or Animal Totems may be best for this. For regular readings it is usually best to stick to a deck of 78 cards broke down into the groups of Major and Minor Arcana.
The next step in picking out the perfect deck, and one of the most important, is to consider the way the deck feels to you. If at all possible hold the deck in your hand. Even if you plan to get the deck online, try to picture yourself holding the deck, visualize it in your hand. Feel the energy of the deck, does it feel good to you, are you drawn to it by more than just the design that is on it? Allow yourself a moment to reflect again on your purpose, does it truly fit your need?
Many people share the common thought that it is best to have your deck given to you as a gift. If this is your belief then try this in order to get the perfect deck... When someone asks, "What do you want for your birthday?" Tell them that you want a deck of Tarot cards. Go with them to pick out the deck, actually touch it and feel it, then let them buy it, and remember to be thankful not only for the gift but for the wonderful friend that got it for you.
Another way to get the deck given to you as a gift without a birthday or holiday is to find a friend that is interested in having their own deck. You can make it an afternoon out, lunch, a movie, some shopping, and then of course...off to the bookstore or metaphysical shop to get the deck. You by your friends deck and they buy yours then you give them to one another in celebration of your friendship and spiritual connection. This way of doing things not only adds extra positive energy to the deck but it also gives one a chance to enjoy and celebrate true and lasting friendship.
Some Local Stores That Offer Tarot Decks:
- Village Witch: 311 N. 2nd Street (785) 856-8777
- Half Price Books: 1519 W. 23rd Street (785) 856-4253
- Borders Books, Music, Movies & Cafe: 700 New Hampshire Street (785) 331-3226
- Hastings Books Music & Videos: 1900 W. 23rd Street (785) 832-0719
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Understanding the message of a dream
Within each dream that one may have are symbols believed to be connected to our conscious world. The symbols, though the meanings may be unclear, are usually very normal aspects of the dream.
Within the dream one may see them self flying free, hoovering just above a field of wildflowers of brilliant color. The colors that stand out may be brilliant purple, red, and white. The flowers are bold and fresh, growing healthy and strong, and slightly dampened with a kiss of dew from the morning. As one glides just above them they feel the wind in their face and caressing their hair, and the sweet smell of the flowers wafts withing that breeze.
Next they are soaring quickly over a lake and seeing the water just below them, the waves caused by the movement of the wind in their flight is like faint ripples and then it swirls into a large spiral and finally a whirlpool as they zip off to their next adventure.
While still in flight they may notice places that they have never seen before and yet feel certain that they have been there. The buildings line the stone streets and the tops of the stairways that lead to areas that are unseen are adorned with stone archways and pillars that are covered in beautiful lush green vines with brilliant orange trumpet flowers bursting to be noticed.
As their flight takes rest the dreamer is in a vineyard filled with row after row of plump red grapes, larger than they have ever seen again softly kissed with the moisture of the morning dew and sparkling to be noticed in the sun against the lush green vines on which they grow. The fruit is full, plump, and enticing though the dreamer does not taste of it.
At the vineyard are banquet hall type tables lined with white lace and linen and covered with a vast array of gourmet foods. Neatly centered on each table are large silver bowls filled with bright, fresh, ripe, fruits. On one table alone there stands rows of crystal stemware and buckets of ice with bottles of wine chilling within them.
As the dreamer reaches for the glass and smells the bouquet that the wine has to offer the dreamer is awakened by the sound of the alarm and the dream fades into the back of the mind but this time does not fade away.
Feeling relaxed and refreshed the dreamer is compelled to find the meaning of the dream and to find the place that this dream may have taken place in. The dreamer feels so alive and motivated, ready for anything. It seems suddenly that dreamer is restless and longing to see the things that were within the dream, to experience in life what they experienced within the dream, the beauty, the nature, the freedom, and life.
This is where one turns to someone that analyzes dreams and asks, "What does it mean?" The dream analyst would now look at each detail of the dream from the way the sky looked, how they flew, to the smell of the wine itself, and from there they would describe the dream in its entirety.
Though no one is absolutely sure how the dream process works there are certain general meanings associated with each symbol within the dream. These meanings may have developed over the years from ancient times or they may be new meanings that have burst out in the New Age but either way they have been proven to be the rule of thumb when it comes to the dream world descriptions.
For example, to dream of a key, depending on the type, size, color and condition of the key, means that some answers are either about to be revealed, are hidden and will remain that way, or are being blatantly ignored by the dreamer in their day to day life. Of course to find the exact meaning we must analyze all aspects of the dream and each individual detail to its fullest extent.
There are numerous books available on the subject from books on how to analyze a dream and books that offer dictionary like lists of definitions for the symbols. Most of these are available for checkout at a local library, online, and at local bookstores.
To find one that interprets dreams in your local area may not be as simple as looking it up in the phone book but there may be local New Age, metaphysical, or pagan shops that may be able to point you in the right direction.
At most every spirit fair across the nation there is at least one reader of this type present, though it may not be listed as their specialty. Intuitive readers, and most psychic mediums can usually offer assistance in dream interpretation as it is a part of the psyche being revealed within the dream.
Some spiritual leaders such as priests and pastors may also be able to offer guidance in this area since the experiences within our dreams are usually carrying a deeper spiritual message that is needing to be revealed.
Dream Dictionary Links:
Within the dream one may see them self flying free, hoovering just above a field of wildflowers of brilliant color. The colors that stand out may be brilliant purple, red, and white. The flowers are bold and fresh, growing healthy and strong, and slightly dampened with a kiss of dew from the morning. As one glides just above them they feel the wind in their face and caressing their hair, and the sweet smell of the flowers wafts withing that breeze.
Next they are soaring quickly over a lake and seeing the water just below them, the waves caused by the movement of the wind in their flight is like faint ripples and then it swirls into a large spiral and finally a whirlpool as they zip off to their next adventure.
While still in flight they may notice places that they have never seen before and yet feel certain that they have been there. The buildings line the stone streets and the tops of the stairways that lead to areas that are unseen are adorned with stone archways and pillars that are covered in beautiful lush green vines with brilliant orange trumpet flowers bursting to be noticed.
As their flight takes rest the dreamer is in a vineyard filled with row after row of plump red grapes, larger than they have ever seen again softly kissed with the moisture of the morning dew and sparkling to be noticed in the sun against the lush green vines on which they grow. The fruit is full, plump, and enticing though the dreamer does not taste of it.
At the vineyard are banquet hall type tables lined with white lace and linen and covered with a vast array of gourmet foods. Neatly centered on each table are large silver bowls filled with bright, fresh, ripe, fruits. On one table alone there stands rows of crystal stemware and buckets of ice with bottles of wine chilling within them.
As the dreamer reaches for the glass and smells the bouquet that the wine has to offer the dreamer is awakened by the sound of the alarm and the dream fades into the back of the mind but this time does not fade away.
Feeling relaxed and refreshed the dreamer is compelled to find the meaning of the dream and to find the place that this dream may have taken place in. The dreamer feels so alive and motivated, ready for anything. It seems suddenly that dreamer is restless and longing to see the things that were within the dream, to experience in life what they experienced within the dream, the beauty, the nature, the freedom, and life.
This is where one turns to someone that analyzes dreams and asks, "What does it mean?" The dream analyst would now look at each detail of the dream from the way the sky looked, how they flew, to the smell of the wine itself, and from there they would describe the dream in its entirety.
Though no one is absolutely sure how the dream process works there are certain general meanings associated with each symbol within the dream. These meanings may have developed over the years from ancient times or they may be new meanings that have burst out in the New Age but either way they have been proven to be the rule of thumb when it comes to the dream world descriptions.
For example, to dream of a key, depending on the type, size, color and condition of the key, means that some answers are either about to be revealed, are hidden and will remain that way, or are being blatantly ignored by the dreamer in their day to day life. Of course to find the exact meaning we must analyze all aspects of the dream and each individual detail to its fullest extent.
There are numerous books available on the subject from books on how to analyze a dream and books that offer dictionary like lists of definitions for the symbols. Most of these are available for checkout at a local library, online, and at local bookstores.
To find one that interprets dreams in your local area may not be as simple as looking it up in the phone book but there may be local New Age, metaphysical, or pagan shops that may be able to point you in the right direction.
At most every spirit fair across the nation there is at least one reader of this type present, though it may not be listed as their specialty. Intuitive readers, and most psychic mediums can usually offer assistance in dream interpretation as it is a part of the psyche being revealed within the dream.
Some spiritual leaders such as priests and pastors may also be able to offer guidance in this area since the experiences within our dreams are usually carrying a deeper spiritual message that is needing to be revealed.
Dream Dictionary Links:
- Dreams-Dictionary.org : http://www.dreams-dictionary.org/
- Astrocenter.com Free Dream Dictionary: http://astrocenter.astrology.msn.com/msn/dream-dictionary.aspx?Af=-1000
- Dream Moods Online Dream Dictionary: www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/
- Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.): http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/edgarcayce.aspx?id=2255
- Dream Forth: http://www.dreamforth.com/
- Dream Interpretations Guide: http://dreaminterpretationsguide.com/
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Magical Night Sky
I remember as a child being fascinated by the magic of the night sky. In school we took a trip to the local planetarium where the dome shaped ceiling filled with pictures and a rumbling voice surrounded us with stories about Earth and the Universe. As Earth turned on its axis and our country grew dark on the screen the dome again was alive with the stars and planets of the Universe. As I watched them carefully I remember thinking how beautiful and magical it seemed and wondering if we could get something like this for my bedroom.
I never really outgrew my passion for the stars and the way the tides move with the changes of the moon. I think as I grew into adulthood I found an even greater love for the sky, both day and night.
Tonight there is a meteor shower caused by a comet passing by and as the earth spins through the particles of the tail of this comet the particles will burn in the Earth's atmosphere causing a light show in the night sky. The Perseid Meteor Shower is believed to be most easily visible by the naked eye tonight and tomorrow night.
During the day we can not see the particles burning in the atmosphere and being disintegrated but at night it is like fireworks in the distance. We can not hear the sounds of them without special equipment but I have heard that the comet sings as it passes the earth. The particles whizzing by are said to make a lovely sound like the sounds of a meditation song.
I can imagine the view from outside the city lights on the open plains of western Kansas...wow, it must be amazing! This would be a great reason, if for no other, to call it "The Land of Awe's." It must look as though the sky meets the Earth in all directions and be absolutely spectacular to see!
I never really outgrew my passion for the stars and the way the tides move with the changes of the moon. I think as I grew into adulthood I found an even greater love for the sky, both day and night.
Tonight there is a meteor shower caused by a comet passing by and as the earth spins through the particles of the tail of this comet the particles will burn in the Earth's atmosphere causing a light show in the night sky. The Perseid Meteor Shower is believed to be most easily visible by the naked eye tonight and tomorrow night.
During the day we can not see the particles burning in the atmosphere and being disintegrated but at night it is like fireworks in the distance. We can not hear the sounds of them without special equipment but I have heard that the comet sings as it passes the earth. The particles whizzing by are said to make a lovely sound like the sounds of a meditation song.
I can imagine the view from outside the city lights on the open plains of western Kansas...wow, it must be amazing! This would be a great reason, if for no other, to call it "The Land of Awe's." It must look as though the sky meets the Earth in all directions and be absolutely spectacular to see!
For more information on the Perseid Meteor Shower check out the following links:
Astrology/ Astronomy,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Love Getting Things For Free?
Who doesn't like to get something for free, right? The "Domestic Witch" is giving away a lavender kit on their blogsite. The contest called "Lavender Dreams" is to show appreciation for the many followers that have joined in on the fun and networking on the "Domestic Witch" blog.
Most people automatically think of relaxation when they hear about lavender but it has many other uses. For example, lavender tea offers not only relaxation but enhanced clarity.
Burning lavender with a little white sage or sweetgrass makes an excellent smudge for clearing or cleansing a sacred space, a house, or your car of negativity.
Lavender, chamomile, rose, and jasmine mixed in a spray bottle with a little water is an excellent room spray. The scent of all of them together is believed to enhance and evoke romantic emotions.
Lavender and rosemary mixed in sweet almond oil base makes an exceptional massage oil to relieve tension in tight muscles while leaving a scent that increases feelings of joy.
As with any herbs or essential oils it is important to research the precautions associated with them before using them. If you are using them on your skin you should test a small patch on the inside of your elbow at least 24 hours in advance to assure that you are not allergic. If you plan to drink teas made with herbs it is important to consider any medications that you are already taking to make sure that the herbs will not have a negative interaction with the medications. It is also important to get the highest quality herbs from a reputable grower. If you are pregnant or nursing seek the advice of your doctor before using any oils or herbs.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get a great gift for yourself or someone you love and to get it for free. Check out the Domestic Witch blog at www.domesticwitch.blogspot.com for complete contest rules. While you are there sign up to follow this blog to stay up to date with all the latest from the Domestic Witch.
Most people automatically think of relaxation when they hear about lavender but it has many other uses. For example, lavender tea offers not only relaxation but enhanced clarity.
Burning lavender with a little white sage or sweetgrass makes an excellent smudge for clearing or cleansing a sacred space, a house, or your car of negativity.
Lavender, chamomile, rose, and jasmine mixed in a spray bottle with a little water is an excellent room spray. The scent of all of them together is believed to enhance and evoke romantic emotions.
Lavender and rosemary mixed in sweet almond oil base makes an exceptional massage oil to relieve tension in tight muscles while leaving a scent that increases feelings of joy.
As with any herbs or essential oils it is important to research the precautions associated with them before using them. If you are using them on your skin you should test a small patch on the inside of your elbow at least 24 hours in advance to assure that you are not allergic. If you plan to drink teas made with herbs it is important to consider any medications that you are already taking to make sure that the herbs will not have a negative interaction with the medications. It is also important to get the highest quality herbs from a reputable grower. If you are pregnant or nursing seek the advice of your doctor before using any oils or herbs.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get a great gift for yourself or someone you love and to get it for free. Check out the Domestic Witch blog at www.domesticwitch.blogspot.com for complete contest rules. While you are there sign up to follow this blog to stay up to date with all the latest from the Domestic Witch.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Feeling the Frustration
Just because someone has a strong belief in Spirit and they practice the Law of Attraction on a daily basis, that does not mean that they suddenly quit being human. They do not have some magical protection from the tragedies or sufferings of the world, themselves, or others. It simply means that they choose not to focus on the negatives on a constant basis in order to bring about more happiness in their life.
For instance, I am not immune to the pains that the world around me may try to cast upon me. I do have feelings of sadness when someone lies to me or even lies to those that I care about. I have feelings of anger when I am lied to or about.
There are many times in a normal day that I am faced with those "so called friends" that are all about themselves. I am hit in the face with the reality that others may try to bring me down because they are not happy in their own life but this is not a time to give up on my beliefs.
I feel that the most important thing I can do is be honest about how I feel, acknowledge it, and then move past it. The key to making the Law of Attraction work is unwavering faith. That does not mean that we can not feel the hardships of life it means that we need to focus on the good and let go of the hardships.
There are three major ingredients that must go into the mix if one wants the Law of Attraction to work and last; one is faith, one is diligence, and the other is gratitude. If we are faith driven and can ask for what we want with the knowledge that it can be ours and believe that it can, it will happen. Next, we must put in the honest effort by taking the necessary steps to getting the goal accomplished, and through it all we must be truly thankful for all we have and all that will come to us in the future.
This does not make us inhuman or supernatural, we are just determined that there is more to life than misery. We choose to see the happiness and joy as opposed to seeing all of the negativity's that surround us.
I see in people the possibility of failure but I choose to hope that they will be successful. I choose to encourage them instead of discouraging them. I choose to be positive instead of negative. More than anything I choose to put out to the world what I would like to have returned to me.
Yes, I feel the frustrations, but I choose to live, laugh, love, and make great memories, instead.
May peace, light, and love find all that read these words. Please know that the positives of life are not as hard to find as living with the negatives can be. ~ Smiles from Lena
For instance, I am not immune to the pains that the world around me may try to cast upon me. I do have feelings of sadness when someone lies to me or even lies to those that I care about. I have feelings of anger when I am lied to or about.
There are many times in a normal day that I am faced with those "so called friends" that are all about themselves. I am hit in the face with the reality that others may try to bring me down because they are not happy in their own life but this is not a time to give up on my beliefs.
I feel that the most important thing I can do is be honest about how I feel, acknowledge it, and then move past it. The key to making the Law of Attraction work is unwavering faith. That does not mean that we can not feel the hardships of life it means that we need to focus on the good and let go of the hardships.
There are three major ingredients that must go into the mix if one wants the Law of Attraction to work and last; one is faith, one is diligence, and the other is gratitude. If we are faith driven and can ask for what we want with the knowledge that it can be ours and believe that it can, it will happen. Next, we must put in the honest effort by taking the necessary steps to getting the goal accomplished, and through it all we must be truly thankful for all we have and all that will come to us in the future.
This does not make us inhuman or supernatural, we are just determined that there is more to life than misery. We choose to see the happiness and joy as opposed to seeing all of the negativity's that surround us.
I see in people the possibility of failure but I choose to hope that they will be successful. I choose to encourage them instead of discouraging them. I choose to be positive instead of negative. More than anything I choose to put out to the world what I would like to have returned to me.
Yes, I feel the frustrations, but I choose to live, laugh, love, and make great memories, instead.
May peace, light, and love find all that read these words. Please know that the positives of life are not as hard to find as living with the negatives can be. ~ Smiles from Lena
law of attraction,
Monday, July 12, 2010
My Weeping Heart
My heart is like the Weeping Willow. When the winds of love brush the branches they sway and dance in delight, but as that wind passes away the branches hang still and heavy. The clouds of the incoming storms shade the earth and the heavy branches cast a shadow beneath them, my heart is filled with darkness, leaving me lonely. Tears shall surely fall as the rains do to the earth washing over me like a flood. It is only then that I realize this too shall renew itself. The branches of the Willow shall not remain still and again the sun will shine; the winds will caress them because the love of the spirit lasts forever. Once more my heart will rejoice in the happiness and the light just as the Willow will sway in the warmth of the sunlight.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Dream Analysis: Double Murder? Me? What?
Figuring out what all of it means
It is strange how some nights we can sleep so peaceful and relaxed and other nights our dreams seem to take us to places we never want to be. Some dreams that start out with mundane tasks turn into a nightmare as they progress.
My dream...
I didn't understand, even in the dream, what it was I was supposedly guilty for. I asked and his response was, "I know you murdered those two innocent people. I know you did it so don't try to tell me you didn't. "
In the dream my family and many of my friends were around me. I was trying to pay my bills and do the grocery shopping when the "attorney" approached me in City Hall. I am not sure what that was about but here in Lawrence, City Hall is where the water, trash, and sewer get paid. Myself, I pay those utilities to the landlord when I pay the rent.
My landlord was the one in the dream that I was paying at City Hall. This is definitely not where I normally pay the rent.
When I heard that I was being accused of murder I felt scared because in the dream I knew I wasn't guilty but I didn't know how to prove my innocence.
I am not sure what this dream means but I do know that it must be important because it felt so real to me. When I awoke from the dream I heard my cell phone ringing to let me know I was receiving a text message from a friend, but I was still focused on the dream and trying to figure out exactly what it meant. I was sweating and feeling very anxious.
I can usually figure out what the dreams I have are about but this one has me stumped. I am for the most part very friendly and easy to get along with. Yes, I have a temper if crossed or betrayed, but I don't believe that I could be capable of murder, and in the dream I wasn't guilty, but I had to prove that I wasn't guilty. I didn't actually commit the murders and don't even know who was murdered. In reality, the Constitution, says that we are "innocent until proven guilty" so why was I having to prove my innocence?
I do know that my family and many of my close friends were with me at the City Hall building in the dream so I know it was none of them that were murdered. That is a good thing.
The other thing that was weird about this dream is that I was in City Hall, this is not a place that I go to on a regular basis. I rarely go anywhere at all but when I do, it is not City Hall. I have not actually been in that building for at least six years, maybe longer.
I know that because of the money situation at my house during the summer, I am often over stressed about money and getting the bills paid. My husbands hours get cut during the summer so that explains that part of the dream.
I have consulted a dream dictionary and a dream analysis book and have yet to come up with the answer to what this dream really means. I know that time will tell and that most of it is probably stress related.
For this one, I must meditate and ask Spirit, then wait to see what comes. If anyone has any ideas they would like to share, I would love to hear them.
It is strange how some nights we can sleep so peaceful and relaxed and other nights our dreams seem to take us to places we never want to be. Some dreams that start out with mundane tasks turn into a nightmare as they progress.
My dream...
I was talking to my insurance man, of all people, and he was telling me that he knew I was guilty. He said, he knew that I had done it and for that he didn't want anything to do with me. In the dream he was not an insurance man, he was an attorney.
I didn't understand, even in the dream, what it was I was supposedly guilty for. I asked and his response was, "I know you murdered those two innocent people. I know you did it so don't try to tell me you didn't. "
In the dream my family and many of my friends were around me. I was trying to pay my bills and do the grocery shopping when the "attorney" approached me in City Hall. I am not sure what that was about but here in Lawrence, City Hall is where the water, trash, and sewer get paid. Myself, I pay those utilities to the landlord when I pay the rent.
My landlord was the one in the dream that I was paying at City Hall. This is definitely not where I normally pay the rent.
When I heard that I was being accused of murder I felt scared because in the dream I knew I wasn't guilty but I didn't know how to prove my innocence.
I am not sure what this dream means but I do know that it must be important because it felt so real to me. When I awoke from the dream I heard my cell phone ringing to let me know I was receiving a text message from a friend, but I was still focused on the dream and trying to figure out exactly what it meant. I was sweating and feeling very anxious.
I can usually figure out what the dreams I have are about but this one has me stumped. I am for the most part very friendly and easy to get along with. Yes, I have a temper if crossed or betrayed, but I don't believe that I could be capable of murder, and in the dream I wasn't guilty, but I had to prove that I wasn't guilty. I didn't actually commit the murders and don't even know who was murdered. In reality, the Constitution, says that we are "innocent until proven guilty" so why was I having to prove my innocence?
I do know that my family and many of my close friends were with me at the City Hall building in the dream so I know it was none of them that were murdered. That is a good thing.
The other thing that was weird about this dream is that I was in City Hall, this is not a place that I go to on a regular basis. I rarely go anywhere at all but when I do, it is not City Hall. I have not actually been in that building for at least six years, maybe longer.
I know that because of the money situation at my house during the summer, I am often over stressed about money and getting the bills paid. My husbands hours get cut during the summer so that explains that part of the dream.
I have consulted a dream dictionary and a dream analysis book and have yet to come up with the answer to what this dream really means. I know that time will tell and that most of it is probably stress related.
For this one, I must meditate and ask Spirit, then wait to see what comes. If anyone has any ideas they would like to share, I would love to hear them.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thanking Soldiers Past and Present for Our Freedom
As the Independence Day weekend is officially upon us I find myself thinking of how thankful I am to have the Freedom that I have here in the United States of America. For instance, as a writer, I am free to speak my mind through my writing. As a human I am given the opportunity to choose my religion, to choose where I go and when, and the freedom to protect my family.
It is hard for me to celebrate this FREEDOM without thinking of the many that have come before us and and given their life in order to protect and preserve that FREEDOM. It is hard not to think of the families that have lost fathers,husbands, sons, mothers, wives, and daughters to the tragedy of war.
I hope that everyone that celebrates this weekend will spend a moment in silence for them all. To show our deepest respect and honor to them and their families. I hope that as this moment is spent honoring those that have died we can all remember those that continue to serve and that we pray for their safe return to the country they are protecting and the FREEDOM that they continue to provide. I pray that they are quickly and safely reunited with their families.
To all of those that have served and continue to serve to preserve our FREEDOM.... Thank you!
May Peace, Light, and Love find you all this weekend and always. Happy Independence Day from Lena
It is hard for me to celebrate this FREEDOM without thinking of the many that have come before us and and given their life in order to protect and preserve that FREEDOM. It is hard not to think of the families that have lost fathers,husbands, sons, mothers, wives, and daughters to the tragedy of war.
I hope that everyone that celebrates this weekend will spend a moment in silence for them all. To show our deepest respect and honor to them and their families. I hope that as this moment is spent honoring those that have died we can all remember those that continue to serve and that we pray for their safe return to the country they are protecting and the FREEDOM that they continue to provide. I pray that they are quickly and safely reunited with their families.
To all of those that have served and continue to serve to preserve our FREEDOM.... Thank you!
May Peace, Light, and Love find you all this weekend and always. Happy Independence Day from Lena
Friday, July 2, 2010
Essential oil blends for meditation
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tarot Whispers By Lena
I have been reading Tarot for over ten years, actually it has been closer to fifteen years now. I have been an Ordained Minister since 2005 and received my certification for reading Tarot in 2007. I recently became registered with the World Metaphysical Association (WMA) as a Registered Metaphysical Practitioner (RMP).
When I was a teenager I read playing cards but did not fully understand the connection between that and Tarot. When I discovered Tarot I decided that I needed to try reading and I asked for a deck as a birthday gift. I requested that a book be a part of the gift as well because I really had no idea how it worked.
I chose the deck but my husband bought it for me as a birthday gift. I choose the "Morgan-Greer" deck and still use them to this day. Of course the deck I use now is not the original deck I got that year, those have long since fallen apart from over usage. I still prefer to work with that deck even though I have a few different ones around.
For the first year I worked with the book all of the time. After that I started realizing my answers, my thoughts were more accurate then the book and began to stick strictly to my own insight for reading.
As the years passed I had a pretty large list of people that I read for on a regular basis and it continues to grow even today. Most people believe my readings to be relaxed and comfortable even if it is their first time being read.
I do not read on Sunday or on Tuesday. When I am asked "why not Sunday" I tell them, "I am a mother of four and a wife, that day is for my family." My oldest son lived with his father growing up and that was my visitation day with him, we made it a special day." And "why not Tuesday," that one is a little more difficult to explain. Some people have a hard time starting the week off, or getting to work on Monday's, well, for me, it was always Tuesday that was my rough day and though it may be "all in my head" I don't want to take a chance on giving someone an inaccurate reading because I am having a bad day.
So, I do read the rest of the week. I prefer to not read before 8 am or after 10pm. I ask for a $25 donation when I read that helps me cover the cost of candles, incense, stones, crystals, salt, herbs, and oils, as I often give those types of things to the person I am reading for if they are in need and I use them when I read. The money also helps with the cost of books and studies as I am still learning new things everyday, for example, I want to take a course in Reiki. I believe that if would be helpful to many that I read for as well as myself, my family, and my wonderful little dog, Toby.
If you would like to know more about my readings or are interested in having one done please feel free to contact me by email at topekapsychicexaminer@hotmail.com. I will gladly answer to the best of my ability and we will work something out on the readings.
When I was a teenager I read playing cards but did not fully understand the connection between that and Tarot. When I discovered Tarot I decided that I needed to try reading and I asked for a deck as a birthday gift. I requested that a book be a part of the gift as well because I really had no idea how it worked.
I chose the deck but my husband bought it for me as a birthday gift. I choose the "Morgan-Greer" deck and still use them to this day. Of course the deck I use now is not the original deck I got that year, those have long since fallen apart from over usage. I still prefer to work with that deck even though I have a few different ones around.
For the first year I worked with the book all of the time. After that I started realizing my answers, my thoughts were more accurate then the book and began to stick strictly to my own insight for reading.
As the years passed I had a pretty large list of people that I read for on a regular basis and it continues to grow even today. Most people believe my readings to be relaxed and comfortable even if it is their first time being read.
I do not read on Sunday or on Tuesday. When I am asked "why not Sunday" I tell them, "I am a mother of four and a wife, that day is for my family." My oldest son lived with his father growing up and that was my visitation day with him, we made it a special day." And "why not Tuesday," that one is a little more difficult to explain. Some people have a hard time starting the week off, or getting to work on Monday's, well, for me, it was always Tuesday that was my rough day and though it may be "all in my head" I don't want to take a chance on giving someone an inaccurate reading because I am having a bad day.
So, I do read the rest of the week. I prefer to not read before 8 am or after 10pm. I ask for a $25 donation when I read that helps me cover the cost of candles, incense, stones, crystals, salt, herbs, and oils, as I often give those types of things to the person I am reading for if they are in need and I use them when I read. The money also helps with the cost of books and studies as I am still learning new things everyday, for example, I want to take a course in Reiki. I believe that if would be helpful to many that I read for as well as myself, my family, and my wonderful little dog, Toby.
If you would like to know more about my readings or are interested in having one done please feel free to contact me by email at topekapsychicexaminer@hotmail.com. I will gladly answer to the best of my ability and we will work something out on the readings.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It Came To Me In A Dream
For a writer, being unable to write is a tragic thing. It is like being hungry and finding no food. We are starved to find the words that need to be said and yet they are not there. Nothing comes to mind, it is as though our soul has taken leave and we do not know when it will return.
I finally decided to sleep after hours of starting the page over and over and still having nothing. I needed to write, I felt the urge to write, but I could not write. I tried to imagine in my mind being in a place of serenity, where only the sounds of nature could be heard. I knew that if I could be in that place I would be able to sleep.
As the silence took over me and I drifted into the dream world I was again able to write. The words flowed through me like water flows over the rocks of a small stream. Softly they trickled from my mind to my hands and out through the pen filling the page. No longer were the lines empty.
I could see the words plainly as they formed each line. I could feel the sense of peace engulf me as I released what was captive in my mind. This is what I wrote in the dream:
I finally decided to sleep after hours of starting the page over and over and still having nothing. I needed to write, I felt the urge to write, but I could not write. I tried to imagine in my mind being in a place of serenity, where only the sounds of nature could be heard. I knew that if I could be in that place I would be able to sleep.
As the silence took over me and I drifted into the dream world I was again able to write. The words flowed through me like water flows over the rocks of a small stream. Softly they trickled from my mind to my hands and out through the pen filling the page. No longer were the lines empty.
I could see the words plainly as they formed each line. I could feel the sense of peace engulf me as I released what was captive in my mind. This is what I wrote in the dream:
An Addicts Dream
My mind calls out to you craving what it desires the most. You come to me in the night like a hand extended out to me; beckoning and begging for me to draw you nearer. Sweetly you sing, tempting and teasing me. My heart pounds at a pace unreal to me, unknown to me. I need you and I want you.
You are there, so close, just within reach, yet your fire scares me. You're invading the barricades that I placed around me, penetrating my space. I want you there but I can't have you.
My soul is filled with taunt and torment. I feel the shadow of you surround me. Fear and doubt wash over me. Still wanting and needing I am hungry, neigh starving. I reach for you but I can not grasp.
My body yearns and yet my hands refuse. My breath is staggered and my body sweats profusely, my eyes cry. Again, I reach for you. Then I awaken to find it was merely and addicts dream. ~ Lolita32
I saw myself close the notebook in which I was writing and lay it beside me upon a boulder where I was sitting. I took a deep breath in to inhale the fresh air around me and sighed a breath of relief as it filled my lungs. With that sigh I awoke to find that my thirst to write remained.
With notebook and pen in hand I immediately wrote the dream words upon the page. As the words flowed from me to the page I realized I was writing and a sigh escaped me. My writers block was gone. I have been able to write more easily since that morning and now I continue to write.
I have no idea how this writing connects to me as of yet but I know that it is something I was supposed to share. That sense is overwhelming to me. I am sure that when it is time for me to know the whole meaning of this dream, it will come to me.
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Winter Sunrise
Photo by Paul Rockers
Winter Sunset