Having always been interested in the fields of religion, spirituality, and the metaphysical, Lena has dedicated her life to Spirit and the higher-self.
Some of her talents and interests include Tarot, spiritual healing, natural healing, aromatherapy, meditation, aura readings, Reiki, intuitive readings, psychics, mediums, palmistry, dream interpretations, numerology, scrying, candle magick, and creating abundance through the Law of Attraction. She is well versed in the study of the paranormal and spirit communications, as well.
In June of 2010 Lena became a recognized member of the World Metaphysical Association (WMA) as a Registered Metaphysical Practitioner and currently serves as a Membership Cooridinator on the Executive Board of Directors of the WMA. She has a set of standards that she lives by and reads under which includes, but is not limited to, honesty, integrity, respect for self and others, and the highest confidentiality.
Lena is a Certified Tarot Master and has been reading for over ten years. She provides detailed accurate readings through insight and intuition. She is skilled with many decks but prefers to work with the easy to understand Morgan-Greer deck when reading for her clients. Her full circle reading provides the client with step by step guidance for finding their inner path and maintaining personal spiritual as well as physical well being.
During a reading she will gently guide the client through the reading with factual statements and descriptions as to how the reading works, what each position means, and the detailed description of the cards themselves. Lena has the ability to read with tea leaves, dominoes, a crystal, a pendulum, dice, toothpicks, and much more.
As an Ordained Minister through Universal Life Church, Lena has performed numerous healing circles, prayer and meditation ceremonies, and Spirit honoring rituals. She is available to perform weddings, hand -fasting ceremonies, and ceremonies honoring the changes of life such as birth, coming of age, and maturity. Lena is available by appointment for one on one healing circles, prayer, and individual spiritual insight sessions.
Lena is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. She has more recently studied Contemporary Shamanism, Taoism, and Alchemy and Stone Speak Theraphy.
Her goal is to continue learning as much as she possibly can. She believes that life is a constant journey of learning and that one can never be too well versed in the ways of spirituality. She plans to continue her education in order to expand her horizons and be better able to serve Spirit and her clients.
Lena believes that everyone should be able to celebrate spiritual freedom as long as they are doing no harm to others or themselves. Her hope is that each individual find their own special one on one connection to Spirit.
Her reputation as an intuitive reader and Tarot Master speaks for itself, as does her skillful and detailed writing. Her love of Spirit, family, and friends shows in her numerous connections. She has a genuine love of life and nature. Lena believes fully in Karmic Law and that one gets out of life exactly what one puts into it, therefore, she makes it a point to always do the best possible by Spirit, others, and herself.
Through her writing, Lena continues to spread awarenss to the spiritual, natural, and loving ways of nature and life. Lena will continue to share about all areas of the metaphysical, spiritual, and paranormal.
Tarot Readings, Healing Circles, Reiki, Personal & Blessing Oils and so much more!
About Me

- Lena Townsend, RMP
- Lena Townsend is a Registered Metaphysical Practitioner (RMP) with the World Metaphysical Association (WMA). Lena also serves as a Membership Coordinator on the WMA Executive Board of Directors. She is a Certified Tarot Master and has been reading Tarot for over ten years. Lena is a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and an Ordained Minister. You may also find Lena writing as the Topeka Psychic Examiner on Examiner.com or working on various projects relating to her many intrests.